Team USA Softball Game- Vero Beach Florida

Girls and women around the world are celebrating the return of Olympic softball in the Tokyo Summer Games! The decision shook athletes everywhere in 2006 when the International Olympic Committee voted to remove the sports of Softball and Baseball from the lineup of the 2012 games. Again in 2009 the IOC upheld they decision to continue to eliminate Softball from the games. However, athletes were elated when the IOC voted to add the American Past time of Baseball and Softball back into the line up for the Tokyo games! Team USA is preparing for their big day in Tokyo and during this time they participated in the Stand Beside Her Tour in Florida and Texas. This brought team USA and Team Italy to OUR backyard!! Team USA celebrated at Jackie Robinson Training Complex in Vero Beach for practice. They opened their doors to fans and continued to inspire girls everywhere! After their practices in Vero Beach, Team USA headed over the USSSA Space Coast Sports Complex to take on number 10 seeded Team Italy. Team USA did NOT disappoint as their bats came alive and crushed 7 balls over the fence. The fans in attendance enjoyed hearing Team Italy cheering their players on in Italian as well as the pure talent and skill of the USA women. As a “retired” softball player it gave me goosebumps listening to the group of young ladies, dressed in their softball practice gear, cheer “USA, USA”. Here are a few of my absolute favorites of the day! Being able to photograph this day sparked so much love and passion inside me and I am excited to be able to begin offering sports photography into my arsenal of skills. If you’re interested in using my photos or story feel free to contact me: Jamie Stalter