What to do the day of your newborn shoot!

You booked your newborn session and the day is finally here!! Sound the alarms and do the happy dance, silently, of course, you don’t want to wake the baby! You may be sitting there and have no idea what to expect when it comes to newborn photography. This is your survival guide to your newborn shoot with me! The Day of the shoot! Dress baby in something that is very easy to take off to start with. Loosen up baby diaper and clothing at least 30 minutes before the session. This will give time for those little imprint makes to disappear I will have wraps and outfits for your session but if there is a special outfit feel free to bring it! We want baby to be as sleepy as possible so we are able to move them around and scrunching them into their sweet sleepy newborn images. You will want to feed your baby either at the studio or when I first arrive at your home. If you don’t have a far commute you’re welcome to give them a full feeding before you leave. You want this to be a bigger feeding so baby has a full belly and is nice and sleepy. We will take as many breaks as possible for feedings necessary. Feed and burp away, gassy babies are uncomfortable babies! If you’re a mommy that breastfeeds, having a bottle that you pumped can be very beneficial for us. This will reduce the time that is needed for feeding. Breastfeeding can sometimes delay our session and does count against your allotted time coverage. An hour or two before your session is scheduled, try to keep baby awake. I know with your lack of sleep this may seem impossible but it’s so helpful! This will help to make sure baby is in a deep sleep and won’t fuss when being moved. The room and studio that I use will be WARM! Please dress accordingly and be ready to be a bit toasty. I will be using white noise or womb sounds to help with the calming effect during our session. If you have something you prefer to use, feel free to bring it. Please bring a pacifier for your baby to use. Even if he or she doesn’t normally take one, please have one available for quick transitions. All my backdrops, wraps, and outfits are cleaned before and after every use with gentle detergents! This is a new experience for you and for baby, do not stress out! Even if the baby seems fussy there are going to be great images we get. Poop happens, don’t be embarrassed or upset if your baby poops! It is to be expected! What to pack…. Diapers wipes lotion pacifier- Soothie brand so they don’t leave rings on babies face bottle change of clothes burp cloths changing pad (optional) Gas Drops (if needed) What do I wear? I understand you just had a baby and there are many sleepless nights! If you’re not feeling like dressing up do not worry! Get glammed up and enjoy a day out of the house or dress comfortably there is 0 judgment here! Just remember that the room will be warm! If you’re going to be included in the photos and just don’t have time to get ready beforehand. Feel free to bring anything you need with you and get ready while I work with your baby! You are always more than welcome to bring more food in case we are there for a bit. Sessions typically take 2 hours even with a very sleepy baby. I work VERY slowly with your baby to ensure she is always cozy and comfortable. If you are coming to me, feel free to bring your laptop or iPad to watch a movie or play on the internet. We have Wi-Fi for you to use. Once you get there, I will totally take over, and are able to relax and enjoy this amazing experience. If I am coming to your home, I hope you feel comfortable enough to go and take care of some things around the house while I work with your bundle! If I need you I will be happy to holler. Most of all enjoy this day! You are going to look at these images of your little one for years to come. Enjoy the moment and soak it all in!